DEF CON 27 Conference - Panel - Hacking Congress The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend


A SIMULATED crisis is unfolding on a national scale, based loosely on the NotPetya attack of 2017. Triggered by a yet-unknown adversary, what started as a an isolated technical issue has quickly escalated into a society-wide event affecting millions of citizens, several industries, and spanning government jurisdictions. Who is in charge, how do they cooperate with others, and how do they make decisions? The Wilson Center, Hewlett Foundation and I Am The Calvary are teaming up to bring public policymakers together with security researchers and others to discover how our nation might respond to a wide-scale "cyber crisis". Work in tandem with sitting Members of Congress to understand what levers of power Congress yields and how Members can address policy gaps in the future.

Former Rep. Jane Harman
The Hon. Jane Harman is President of the Wilson Center, a think tank in Washington, DC. She is a former nine-term Member of Congress who served on all the major security committees and represented an aerospace and technology hub in Southern California.

Twitter: @thewilsoncenter

Rep. James Langevin
The Hon. Jim Langevin represents Rhode Island's 2nd Congressional district. He is Chairman of the Emerging Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee and a senior member of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Protection Subcommittee. Rep. Langevin is a member of the House Majority Whip Steny Hoyer's Senior Whip Team, and is responsible for educating other Democratic Members on key issues.

Twitter: @jimlangevin

Jen Ellis
Jen Ellis is the Vice Preident of Community and Public Affairs at Rapid7. She works directly with security researchers, technology providers and operators, and government entities to help them understand and address cybersecurity challenges together.

Twitter: @infosecjen

Cris Thomas
Cris Thomas works for IBM X-Force Red, and before that worked at Guardent, Trustwave, Tenable and others. Cris created the first security research think tank L0pht Heavy Industries and the video news show The Hacker News Network.

Twitter: @spacerog

Rep. Ted Lieu
The Hon. Ted Lieu represents California's 33rd Congressional district. Now in his third term in Congress, Rep. Lieu currently sits on the House Judiciary Committee and House Foreign Affairs Committee. He also serves as Co-Chair of the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee and has emerged as a leader in cybersecurity in Congress.

Twitter: @RepTedLieu

DEF CON 27 Conference - Panel - Hacking Congress The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend DEF CON 27 Conference - Panel - Hacking Congress The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend Reviewed by Anonymous on November 15, 2019 Rating: 5