DEF CON 27 Conference - DEF CON NOC - All The Things You Wanted To Know About The DEF CON NOC


It's been a while, something like DEF CON 19, since we had the chance to have more than a few minutes at closing ceremonies to talk to everyone about the DEF CON NOC. It is not uncommon for people during the show or throughout the year to come to us asking things here and there about the DEF CON network. Come see all the DEF CON NOC team on stage, yes, those you usually don't see anywhere during the show, because, well, we're making sure packets are flowing and people are interneting. Come learn what we do, how we do it and possibly answer any questions that you might have about the "most hostile network in the planet".

@DEFCON_NOC, @effffn, @macmceniry, @Mike_Moore, @mansimusa, @c7five, @_CRV, @jaredbird, all the other NOC members who refuse to share their twitter handles and our very special guest Lord Raytheon

DEF CON 27 Conference - DEF CON NOC - All The Things You Wanted To Know About The DEF CON NOC DEF CON 27 Conference - DEF CON NOC - All The Things You Wanted To Know About The DEF CON NOC Reviewed by Anonymous on November 15, 2019 Rating: 5