Automated Ettercap TCP/IP Hijacking Tool | Morpheus V2 ☠

Framework description:
Morpheus it's a Man-In-The-Middle (mitm) suite that allows users to manipulate
tcp/udp data using ettercap, urlsnarf, msgsnarf and tcpkill as backend applications.
but this tool main objective its not to provide an easy way to exploit/sniff targets,
but ratter a call of attemption to tcp/udp manipulations technics (etter filters)
Morpheus ships with some pre-configurated filters but it will allow users to improve them
when launch the attack (morpheus scripting console). In the end of the attack morpheus will
revert the filter back to is default stage, this will allow users to improve filters at
running time without the fear of messing with filter command syntax and spoil the filter.
"Perfect for scripting fans to safely test new concepts"...
HINT: morpheus allow you to improve filters in 2 diferent ways
1Âş - Edit filter before runing morpheus and the 'changes' will be permanent
2Âş - Edit filter using 'morpheus scripting console' and the changes are active only once
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