DEF CON Safe Mode


DEF CON 28 has entered Safe Mode.
The 'DEF CON is canceled' meme has crossed over into real life, courtesy of COVID-19. In early March we had hopes that things would be stable by August. That is no longer realistic. Currently there's no way to gather everyone together and keep them safe, so The Dark Tangent has decided to cancel the in-person event.

We will try an on-line experiment this year - DEF CON Safe Mode. Please read The Dark Tangent's more detailed thoughts on the situation at and then head over to the Forums ( to get involved. There is a DEF CON Safe Mode FAQ that should help to answer common questions.

We wish there was better news, but we hackers are a resilient bunch. Stay healthy, stay safe and stay in touch so we can all be together virtually this August 6-9 and again for DEF CON 29 in person.

DEF CON Safe Mode DEF CON Safe Mode Reviewed by Anonymous on May 08, 2020 Rating: 5