DEF CON 27 Packet Hacking Village - Emilio Couto - CIRCO Cisco Implant Raspberry Controlled Ops


Designed under Raspberry Pi and aimed for Red Team Ops, we take advantage of "Sec/Net/Dev/Ops" enterprise tools to capture network credentials in a stealth mode. Using a low profile hardware & electronics camouflaged as simple network outlet box to be sitting under/over a desk. CIRCO include different techniques for network data exfiltration to avoid detection. This tool gather information and use a combination of honeypots to trick Automation Systems to give us their network credentials!

Emilio Couto (Twitter: @ekio_jp) is a Security Consultant with more than 20 years of experience in the network and security field. Born and raised in Argentina, he is currently located in Japan where multitasking between language, culture and technologies is a must. Over the last decade focusing mainly on Finance IT. In his spare time he enjoys playing with RFID, computers and home made IoT devices. Over the last 5 years presenting tools in conferences (Black Hat Asia, HITB, AV Tokyo and SECCON)

DEF CON 27 Packet Hacking Village - Emilio Couto - CIRCO Cisco Implant Raspberry Controlled Ops DEF CON 27 Packet Hacking Village - Emilio Couto - CIRCO Cisco Implant Raspberry Controlled Ops Reviewed by Anonymous on November 21, 2019 Rating: 5