DEF CON 27 Conference - Pedro Cabrera Camara - SDR Against Smart TVs URL Channel Injection Attacks


Software-defined-radio has revolutionized the state of the art in IoT security and especially one of the most widespread devices: Smart TV. This presentation will show in detail the HbbTV platform of Smart TV, to understand and demonstrate two attacks on these televisions using low cost SDR devices: TV channel and HbbTV server impersonation (channel and URL injection). This last attack will allow more sophisticated remote attacks: social engineering, keylogging, crypto-mining, and browser vulnerability assessment.

Pedro Cabrera Camara
Industrial and Electronics Engineer, Pedro is an enthusiast of Software Defined Radio and UAVs, which has worked for 12 years in the main Spanish telecommunications operators, conducting security audits and pentesting in mobile and fixed networks. In addition to working with telecommunications operators, Pedro leads open source projects such as intrusion detection systems for GSM, UMTS and LTE networks, which has led him to study the various fake stations attacks and existing solutions. In recent years he has participated in security events in the United States (RSA, CyberSpectrum, DEF CON DemoLabs), Asia (BlackHat Trainings) and Europe (Rootedcon, Euskalhack, AlligatorCON)

Twitter: @PcabreraCamara

DEF CON 27 Conference - Pedro Cabrera Camara - SDR Against Smart TVs URL Channel Injection Attacks DEF CON 27 Conference - Pedro Cabrera Camara - SDR Against Smart TVs URL Channel Injection Attacks Reviewed by Anonymous on November 15, 2019 Rating: 5