6/26 Google MasterClass: WebAuthn and Security Keys... | Identiverse 2018


Full title: Google MasterClass: WebAuthn and Security Keys = Unlocking the Key to Authentication

Presenter: Christiaan Brand, Product Manager, Security and Privacy, at Google

Phishing is the #1 security problem on the web: 81% of account breaches last year were because of weak or stolen passwords. The industry's collective response to this problem has been multi-factor authentication, but implementations are fragmented and most still don't adequately address phishing. Google has been working with the FIDO Alliance since 2013 and, more recently, with the W3C to implement a standardized phishing-resistant protocol that can be used by any Web application. This session will demystify the new protocol and run through new, exciting user journeys enabled by these protocols.

Slides: http://ow.ly/RFgH30lluWO

Save the date: Join us June 25-28 in Washington D.C, 2019!

6/26 Google MasterClass: WebAuthn and Security Keys... | Identiverse 2018 6/26 Google MasterClass: WebAuthn and Security Keys... | Identiverse 2018 Reviewed by Anonymous on August 12, 2019 Rating: 5