AppSecCali 2019 - Cyber Insurance: A Primer for Infosec - Nicole Becher
The market for cyber insurance is expected to reach $14 Billion by 2022. Many companies, large and small, have purchased insurance or are in the process of evaluating it. Technical information security professionals are being asked to participate in this process with little to no background information on how the commercial insurance industry works, what these policies cover, and more specifically how the cyber insurance market works. Many insurance carriers are entering into the marketplace but what do they really covering? How do they underwrite this risk and are they pricing this risk correctly? What datasets are they using and how could they better understand the risk, price and write this risk. This talk will explore the commercial insurance industry as a whole, review specific cyber insurance policies, their coverages, policy limits and exclusions.
Nicole Becher
Director of Information Security & Risk Management, S&P; Global Platts
Nicole Becher is currently the Director of Information Security & Risk Management at S&P; Global Platts. She has been in the cybersecurity space for over ten years working mostly in offensive security capacities. She has led penetration testing and red teams, forensics and incident.
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