AppSecCali 2019 Keynote - How to Slay a Dragon - Adrienne Porter Felt
AppSec Cali 2019, Keynote Speaker, Adrienne Porter Felt, Engineer & Manager for Google, sees the security of Chrome from both sides--from the product team to the end user. Often, there is no one right solution to a problem. Her line of attack in finding the best solution is to mount a three-step strategy to slay a dragon (no clear winning solution). Firstly, fight the cousin instead, or chip away at the problem. Secondly, accept imperfection, or don't burn out in the battle. And finally, don't forget the cost of the battle. Always pay the debt. Making it better doesn't make everything better, but fighting a small battle at a time can mitigate the damage and craft a solvable solution.
Adrienne Porter Felt
Engineer & manager for Chrome, Google
I like to make software easier to use. I manage the Chrome Personalization and Metrics teams. Outside of Google, I'm best known for my advocacy of usable security & HTTPS adoption.
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