DEF CON 26 PACKET HACKING VILLAGE - Muniz and Lakhani - Fishing for Phishers Enterprise Strikes Back


Phishing and social engineering has been around since Han Solo has flown the Millennium Flacon. The typically response is deleting the messages and giving the middle finger however, what more could be done to strike back? This talk will cover how to build an artificial environment and develop anti phishing tools used to respond to phishing attempts. Results could include owning the attacker's box "hypothetically" since some legal boundaries could be crossed.

DEF CON 26 PACKET HACKING VILLAGE - Muniz and Lakhani - Fishing for Phishers Enterprise Strikes Back DEF CON 26 PACKET HACKING VILLAGE - Muniz and Lakhani - Fishing for Phishers Enterprise Strikes Back Reviewed by Anonymous on November 14, 2018 Rating: 5