HackTheBox - Valentine

00:25 - Start of Recon, identifying end of life OS from nmap
03:20 - Running vulnerability scripts in nmap to discover heartbleed
04:16 - Going to the HTTP Page to see what it looks like
06:30 - Begin of Heartbleed - Grabbing Python Module
07:13 - Explaining Heartbleed -- XKCD ftw
10:15 - Explaining and running the exploit
13:40 - Exporting large chunks of memory by running in a loop
14:10 - Finding an encrypted SSH Key on the server
15:35 - Examining heartbleed output to discover SSH Key Password
17:45 - SSH as low priv user returned
21:55 - Finding a writable tmux socket to hijack session and find a root shell
23:50 - Alternative Privesc, DirtyC0w