Scammers says he isn't a scammer
I believe this video is more than enough to prove that macpatchers is a scam.
The scammer gave me the following details for me to deposit money into his account:
BSB: 082574
Account Number: 362866194
A quick Whois search shows this:
Domain Name
Last Modified 07-Sep-2017 02:49:46 UTC
Registrar Name, LLC
Registrant mac patchers
Registrant ID ABN 23609759882
Eligibility Type Sole Trader
Registrant Contact ID CR233338640
Registrant Contact Name ravi singh
Registrant Contact Email [email protected]
and their contact email has lots of other registered domains is a good site to search for the scammers other domains
This video of mine
shows is a scam and its Registrant Contact Name on a Whois search says Ravinder Singh, which is very similar to the Registrant Contact Name on
@13.00 It shows their business Quick Fix Tech Support Pty Ltd
So they might be related to
@19.45 He says they have been working for 6 years, which is incorrect. Its ABN number has only been active since 10 December 2015 which means they have only been scamming for just under 2 years.
@28.21 He says that his lies were a "sales pitch"
I believe Macpatchers are now using website because the "Whois" of both websites contain the same email address [email protected] .
Similar fake youtube reviews . and are scambait videos I've done exposing them.