May 2018 - Daniel Kefer/René Reuter - Handling of Security Requirements in SDLC


The bigger the company you're working in, the more technologies and methodologies used by development teams you are going to face. At the same time, you want to address security risks in an appropriate, reliable and traceable way for all of them.

After a short introduction of a unified process for handling security requirements in a large company, the main part of the talk is going to focus on a tool called SecurityRAT which we developed in order to support and accelerate this process.

The goal of the tool is first to provide a list of relevant security requirements according to properties of the developed software (e.g. type of software, criticality), and afterwards to handle these in a mostly automated way - integration with an issue tracker being used as a core feature.

Work in progress (currently targeting mainly integration to other systems, automated testing of requirements and reporting) as well as future plans will form the last part of the talk.

May 2018 - Daniel Kefer/René Reuter - Handling of Security Requirements in SDLC May 2018 - Daniel Kefer/René Reuter - Handling of Security Requirements in SDLC Reviewed by Anonymous on June 05, 2018 Rating: 5