42 and Binary Coded Decimal - Computerphile


Just how do you go from a binary number to a printed out numeric character? Professor Brailsford takes us through Binary Coded Decimal

IBM, EBCDIC & a Meg-in-a-box: https://youtu.be/FUIqtevjod4
Atari 2600 VCS Programming: https://youtu.be/fce39nQm9TY


This video was filmed and edited by Sean Riley.

Computer Science at the University of Nottingham: https://bit.ly/nottscomputer

Computerphile is a sister project to Brady Haran's Numberphile. More at http://www.bradyharan.com

42 and Binary Coded Decimal - Computerphile 42 and Binary Coded Decimal - Computerphile Reviewed by Anonymous on June 21, 2018 Rating: 5