APPSEC Cali 2018 - A Tour of API Underprotection

Abstract :
Effective API protection is a growing concern, reflecting the popularity of RESTful Web APIs and richer front-end clients which stress current security and access authorization approaches. You’ll learn about potential threats resulting from undersecured Web APIs and techniques to strengthen your API security posture. You'll gain a clear understanding of user authorization via OAuth2, software authorization via static API keys and the critical interplay between them. Of particular concern are mobile API consumers whose code is statically published with secrets which are often poorly concealed. Practical advice with code examples will show how to improve mobile API security. TLS is necessary but insufficient to fully secure client-server communications. Certificate pinning is explained with code examples to show how to strengthen channel communications. Some advanced techniques will be discussed such as app hardening, white box cryptography and mobile app attestation. You should gain a good understanding of the underprotected API problem, with some immediately practical tips to improve your API security posture and a sense of emerging tools and technologies that enable a significant step change in API security.
by Skip Hovsmith, Principal Engineer and VP Americas of CriticalBlue
Skip Hovsmith is a Principal Engineer and VP Americas for CriticalBlue, working on securing API usage between mobile apps and backend services. Previously, Skip consulted with CriticalBlue customers on accelerating mobile and embedded software running on multicore and custom coprocessor platforms in video, networking, and security modules. Prior to CriticalBlue, Skip worked in formal verification, FPGA design, reconfigurable hw/sw systems, and VLSI and mixed-signal chip design. He enjoys working directly with customers and is a writer at Hacker Noon, focused on API security topics such as “They reverse engineered 16k apps; here’s what we’d fix”, and "Mobile API Security".
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