APPSEC Cali 2018 - The Bug Hunter's Methodology 2.0

Building on the Bug Hunter's Methodology 1.0 given at Defcon 23, 2.0 brings the newest testing techniques, tools, and vulnerability data to penetration testers and security folk. Dive into new-school advents in discovery, XSS, server-side template injection, server-side request forgery, Code injection (SQLi, PHP, ++), XXE, robbing misconfigured infrastructure, CI, Code repositories, and more!
Jason Haddix
Head of Trust and Security
Jason is the Director of Technical Operations at Bugcrowd. Jason trains and works with internal analysts to triage and validate hardcore vulnerabilities in mobile, web, and IoT applications/devices. He also works with Bugcrowd to improve the security industries relations with the researchers. Jasonâs interests and areas of expertise include mobile penetration testing, black box web application auditing, network/infrastructural security assessments, wireless network assessment, binary reverse engineering, and static analysis.
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