APPSEC Cali 2018 - Authentication Without Authentication


Abstract :
Authentication is important, but how do you authenticate when user interaction is not an option? For example, an IoT app without a user interface. We need to authenticate the app ― without any predefined credentials. But how? Join this session to find out - including a demo of the solution on a Raspberry Pi!

by Omer Levi Hevroni, Security Champion of Soluto in Israel


Omer has been writing code for the last 10 years and is currently working at Soluto as a Security Champion and Software Developer for the last 3 years. Actively involved in open source projects, including OWASP's projects like Zap and Glue.

Managed by the official OWASP Media Project

APPSEC Cali 2018 - Authentication Without Authentication APPSEC Cali 2018 - Authentication Without Authentication Reviewed by Anonymous on March 19, 2018 Rating: 5