#191 Optimizing Antennas using a N1201SA VNA (Vector Impedance Analyzer), LoRa

Knowing how your antennas work or build and optimize our antenna is very rewarding. Unfortunately, it needs knowhow and some costly equipment to do that. Today we will change that, and I show you an affordable new tool which enables these tasks. This small device was one of my best investments I made so far.
At the end
- You know how to build and optimize a LoRa ground plane antenna
- You will know How to tune a commercially available antenna
- You will get a little theory behind it, as usual
And we will have a close look at this small gadget from China and compare it with a professional tester
N1201A Antenna Tester: http://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/URjIiMF
Calibration Set: http://bit.ly/2pBHz7A
Ground Plane calculator: http://www.buxcomm.com/ground_plane_c...
SMA connector for Antenna: http://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/RBAYzbU
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