#190 New Ultrasonic Sensors: Comparison and Test (US42V2, JSN-SR04T, and US-100)

Today we will look at different new ultrasonic sensors and compare them: US42V2, JSN-SR04T, and US-100.
As usual, this should help you decide if you need distance sensing in one of your next projects.
In mailbag videos # 186 and 187 I asked you which parts I should use first for a video. The verdict was clear: The RAK831 LoRa gateway and the Ultrasonic distance sensor.
This is not my first video about these sensors: You find an introduction and test in video #40 and a three-way sensor using an ATtiny and a home-made I2C interface to connect to the MPU in video #42. If you are interested in the basics, maybe you want to watch them first. There I used the commonly available and cheap HC-SR04, HY-SRF05, US-015.
JSN-SR04T Documeentation: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=1...
NewPing: https://bitbucket.org/teckel12/arduin...
OingSerial: https://github.com/stoduk/PingSerial
NewPing for ESP8266: https://github.com/jshaw/NewPingESP8266
Maxbotics: https://www.maxbotix.com/documents/I2...
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