#182 ESP32 Lora Boards: What you need to know before you buy (incl. Antenna knowledge)


LoRa and ESP32 are everybody’s darlings, and when a combination in the form of these small boards appeared on our platforms, it seemed they are a perfect combination. Is this true? Let’s test them.
- A 433 MHz Heltec
- An 868-915MHz Heltec
- An 868-915 TTGO
- And as a reference the Hope RFM95 868 MHz

These boards can be used as LoRa nodes and as TTN gateways.
In this video we have a closer look at these features:
- The ESP32
- The LoRa transceiver
- The antennas
- And the power management part

TTN Forum: http://bit.ly/2GFo0TN
ESP32 LorRa Boards: http://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/2FyRn2n
LoRa32u4: http://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/vnUFmAy
Whisper Node Lora: http://bit.ly/2GCB0td
dB vs VSWR: https://ww2.minicircuits.com/app/DG03...
Link to antennas will follow when I am back home

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#182 ESP32 Lora Boards: What you need to know before you buy (incl. Antenna knowledge) #182 ESP32 Lora Boards: What you need to know before you buy (incl. Antenna knowledge) Reviewed by Anonymous on February 03, 2018 Rating: 5