HackTheBox - Sneaky


If you're wondering how this could be an hour long video, over half the video is talking about IPv6.

00:00 - Intro
00:44 - Recon + Web Enum
01:33 - SQL Injection
05:30 - Start of IPv6 Talk
06:30 - What is an IPv6 IP Address?
11:27 - Types of IPv6 Addresses
14:06 - IPv6 Subnetting Explained
21:20 - End of IPv6 Primer, Exploit time!
22:43 - Method 1: Getting MAC and calculating fe80
30:30 - Method 2: Enumerating Networks by pinging Multicast
33:56 - Extra: Getting Windows to respond from Multicast Ping
38:07 - Extra: NMAP Scanning ipv6 local networks
40:15 - Convert RPM to DEB (Needed for install nmap on tenten)
41:30 - Intended Solution: Getting IPv6 via SNMP
43:58 - No SNMP MIB Output
45:58 - Getting SNMP MIBS Installed and Configured
47:52 - Tool: Enyx - SNMPv6 Enumeration via Python
50:44 - Privesc Enumeration
52:49 - Buffer Overflow

HackTheBox - Sneaky HackTheBox - Sneaky Reviewed by Anonymous on January 12, 2018 Rating: 5