HackTheBox - Nineveh


00:00 - Intro
01:58 - Begin Recon (NMAP)
04:19 - GoBuster HTTP + HTTPS
06:35 - Accessing Pages
07:05 - Using Hydra against HTTP + HTTPS Web Forms
11:30 - Logging into HTTP and hunting for vulns
17:00 - Second Hydra attempt against HTTPS
17:57 - Logging into HTTPS (phpLiteAdmin)
20:17 - Chaining Exploits to get Code Execution
26:38 - Reverse Shell Returned
28:00 - LinEnum.sh Script Review
31:30 - Watching for new Processes
37:00 - Found the error in script :)
39:30 - Getting reverse root shell
41:51 - Intended Route to get User
46:12 - Reviewing Knockd configuration
49:33 - Doing the PortKnock

HackTheBox - Nineveh HackTheBox - Nineveh Reviewed by Anonymous on January 15, 2018 Rating: 5