HackTheBox - Blue


00:38 - Start of Recon
01:20 - Finding NMAP Scripts (Probably a stupid way)
02:00 - Running Safe Scripts - Not -sC, which is default.
02:52 - Listing NMAP Script Categories (Prob a really stupid way)
03:18 - Really Cool Grep (Only show matching -oP)
04:40 - Nmap Safe Script Output
06:30 - Exploiting MS17-010 with MSF
07:40 - Setting up Dev Branch of Empire
09:07 - Starting a Listener
10:55 - Getting a PowerShell Oneliner to launch payload
12:16 - Invoke-Expression (IEX) to Execute Launcher
13:25 - Interacting with a single agent
13:40 - Using Modules - PowerUp Invoke-AllChecks
14:40 - Fixing weird issue with PS Module
16:15 - Invoke-AllChecks finished
17:15 - Loading PS Modules into Memory
17:40 - Executing funcitons out of above module
18:20 - Why I don't pass to MSF via InjectShellcode
22:45 - How I pass from Empire to MSF (Unicorn + IEX)
25:53 - Just running Powershell CMDs from Empire (Shell)

HackTheBox - Blue HackTheBox - Blue Reviewed by Anonymous on January 18, 2018 Rating: 5