Hack The Box CTF Walkthrough - Granny and Devel


Start/Intro: 00:55
Faraday Overview: 02:50
Faraday Shell: 04:47
Faraday Web Interface: 06:08
Faraday Plugins: 08:22

Attacking Devel:

Recon (nmap/nikto/dirb): 09:16
Nikto Overview: 14:02
Nmap Script Results: 14:58
Faraday: Importing Reports: 17:04
Msfvenom Payload and Multi/handler Creation: 20:54
Shell upload and foothold exploitation: 26:09
Searchsploit Intro: 30:15
Privilege Escalation: 43:14
Devel Recap: 43:45


Intro/Recon: 46:00
Abusing Alternative Methods for Foothold: 56:30
Begin Enumeration: 01:08:53
Identifying the Exploit: 01:46:06
Modifying The Payload: 02:12:22
Working Exploit: 03:32:00
Granny Recap: 03:34:33

A walkthrough for the retired HTB machines Granny and Devel.

Also going over features of Faraday IPE, and walking through a box without using automated exploitation, similar to how an OSCP exam box would need to be attacked.

Hack The Box CTF Walkthrough - Granny and Devel Hack The Box CTF Walkthrough - Granny and Devel Reviewed by Anonymous on January 16, 2018 Rating: 5