HackTheBox - Oz


00:50 - Start of the box
05:30 - Attempting GoBuster but wildcard response gives issue
07:40 - Start of doing wfuzz to find content
10:38 - Manually testing SQLInjection
13:07 - Running SQLMap and telling it exactly where the injection is
16:04 - Manually extracting files with the SQL Injection
19:50 - Cracking the hash with hashcat
25:00 - Start of examining the custom webapp, playing with Template Injection
27:00 - Explaining a way to enumerate language behind a webapp
35:17 - Reverse Shell returned on first Docker Container
38:00 - Examining SQL Database
39:40 - Doing the Port Knock to open up SSH
43:50 - Gain a foothold on the host of the docker container via ssh
46:00 - Identifying containers running
50:10 - Creating SSH Port Forwards without exiting SSH Session then NMAP through
55:11 - Begin looking into Portainer, finding a weak API Endpoint
59:00 - Start of creating a container in portainer that can access the root file
01:08:25 - Changing sudoers so dorthy can privesc to root
01:09:50 - Lets go back and create a python script to play with SQL Injection

HackTheBox - Oz HackTheBox - Oz Reviewed by Anonymous on January 12, 2019 Rating: 5