Hijacking of arbitrary miSafes Mi-Cam video baby monitors


The investigated cloud-connected baby monitor device "Mi-Cam" from miSafes is affected by a number of critical security vulnerabilities which raise serious security and privacy concerns.

An attacker is able to access and interact with arbitrary video baby monitors and hijack other user accounts. Based on observed user identifier values extracted from the cloud API and Google Play store data, an estimated total number over 52000 user accounts and video baby monitors are affected.

For further information and other vulnerabilities also check out our blog post and advisory:

Blog post: https://www.sec-consult.com/en/blog/2...

Advisory: https://www.sec-consult.com/en/blog/a...

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Hijacking of arbitrary miSafes Mi-Cam video baby monitors Hijacking of arbitrary miSafes Mi-Cam video baby monitors Reviewed by Anonymous on February 22, 2018 Rating: 5