Introduction to tmux


00:17 - Why I like Tmux
01:20 - Creating Tmux Session
01:45 - Bash: Ctrl + R - Recursive Search
02:02 - Tmux: Prefix Key (default Ctrl+B)
02:05 - Tmux: New Window - Prefix c
02:07 - Tmux: Switch Window - Prefix #
02:36 - My Tmux Config
02:50 - Demo of "nested tmux"
04:00 - Tmux: Rename Window - Prefix ,
04:20 - Tmux: Send/Join Pane Prefix [s|j]
05:08 - Tmux: Setting Search to Vi mode
05:30 - Tmux: Enter edit mode Ctrl+[
05:45 - Tmux: Showing off tmux Searching
06:03 - Tmux: Copy and pasting lots of text
06:27 - Tmux: Logging Plugin
07:30 - Tmux: Splitting
08:20 - Tmux: Zooming - Prefix z
09:00 - Tmux: Moving Panes
09:20 - Bash: Cycle through past arguments Alt+.
09:50 - Bash: Moving cursor to begin, end or skipping words
10:45 - Tmux: Help Page Prefix ?

Introduction to tmux Introduction to tmux Reviewed by Anonymous on January 14, 2018 Rating: 5